The Achiever

Assessment For: John Henderson
Phone: 800-555-1212
Email: someone@somewhere.isp


Company: Your Company Co
Report Type: Management

Assessment Date: 10/11/2000

For More Information
Please Contact:

Candidate Resources, Inc.
2100 N. Highway 360     Suite 400-B
Grand Prairie, TX

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

The Achiever
Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 1

----- Mental Aptitudes -----
Mental Acuity

Mr. Henderson is high in Mental Acuity, indicating he is a very fast thinker with a high degree of critical thinking ability. He has excellent problem solving capabilities and can reason through and make good decisions based on knowledge, intuition and reasoning skills. He will not only enjoy, but will require, mentally challenging work for job satisfaction.

Business Terms

John has an average understanding of business terminology obtained either on the job or in a business class.

Memory Recall

Mr. Henderson has a superior knowledge of events happening in the world around him and should be strongly aware of competitive trends, as well as the economy's affect on business.


Mr. Henderson's superior general English vocabulary skills should allow him to communicate effectively with others on all levels. Even the most complex data should be something he is capable of relaying to others.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 2

Numerical Perception

John's exemplary Numerical Perception score indicates that he can process data quickly and accurately.

Mechanical Interest

John is extremely interested in machines and the inner workings of mechanical devices. He probably enjoys working with machines and because of this, would be willing to put forth effort to understand information regarding such devices. This aptitude, however, measures only interest, not mechanical ability.

----- Personality Structure -----


Mr. Henderson has a good level of energy and takes an energetic approach to work and other matters. He has a high drive level, but is generally able to control energy sufficiently to concentrate and accomplish assignments in a timely, yet effective manner.


John has a good sense of integrity and is an ethical individual who is focused on what he wants to accomplish. He will also be flexible and adaptable to change, as well as able to handle multiple job demands and assignments. He is also interested in obtaining customer satisfaction by providing good service. He can be creative or stick with the "tried and true," depending on the circumstances. Even though he will try to generate new solutions to problems, and new ways to use existing applications of products or services, he will be concerned about quality prior to implementing a change. He can be inventive, but will test his new ideas and concepts to be certain any risks involved are minimal.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 3


Mr. Henderson is very organized and oriented to planning his time and activities. He preplans projects and assignments to make the best use possible of the time and resources he has available to reach organizational goals and priorities, and is generally aware of priorities and project deadlines.


John has a more closed than open communication style, but can articulate his thoughts and share his knowledge with others to reach common goals. If given the choice, he would prefer to work alone without the constant demand for interpersonal communication. He tends to be a good listener when obtaining feedback from others.

Emotional Dev

Mr. Henderson is a very self-assured person with a strong degree of self-confidence. He believes in himself, has a very high frustration tolerance level and a high degree of patience for himself and others. This score should be checked against the distortion score, as individuals who distort often portray themselves as more patient than they actually are.


John will express his opinions and effectively and professionally defend his decisions and ideas when challenged, but is also willing to consider the ideas of others. He will have the ability to influence others and direct their activities without appearing too aggressive or overbearing.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 4


Mr. Henderson is a team player with a sense of competitiveness, but he encourages synergism. He is able to envision the whole project when working, not just the part he is playing. He has a competitive spirit, but will encourage and work towards goals which are team-oriented. Although he wants to excel, he may be reluctant to compete just to achieve his own goals and desires.

Mental Toughness

John has the mental toughness to deal with a moderate amount of criticism or rejection, but retains the ability to relate to customers and others with an appropriate degree of empathy. Occasionally, he may take a negative response personally and need some encouragement and reinforcement to keep his spirits up.

Questioning /Probing

John has a very trusting nature and tends to accept most instructions, directives and information at face value. Even though he has a positive, enthusiastic attitude, he may be so trusting that he allows others to take advantage. When problem-solving or troubleshooting complex issues, his effectiveness could be reduced by his not probing far enough into the situation to see the whole picture.


Security, rather than recognition for achievement, is Mr. Henderson's primary motivator on the job. He appreciates working for a company which can provide him income security, long-term benefits and predictable working hours in a stable environment free from risks. He will put in occasional long hours and extra effort to complete a project successfully, but will do so more out of a feeling of insecurity rather than a desire to be recognized for achivements.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 5

----- Validity Scales -----


Mr. Henderson is reasonably fair in assessing his strengths and weaknesses. He has some characteristics that he is not completely happy with and tends not to show others. The validity may be slightly affected by his indirect answers.


He has scored within our acceptable equivocation range.

This report is confidential and is an opinion based on test results and other available data. In the selection process it may count up to one third (1/3) of the decision process along with the interview, reference check, education and experience.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 6

Score Sheet

Mental Aptitudes
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   
Fast Learn
             [..........] X   
             [..........] X   
Personality Dimensions
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   
           X [..........]     
     X    [.............]     
        X    [..........]     
Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 7

Validity Scales
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   
Choose Middle

STANINE: The STANINE is a system of measurements which divides the population into nine parts.

NOTE: Areas with dots and brackets ([........]) are of primary importance with the dots and brackets reflecting the most desirable range for an individual to score in to have those characteristics. Areas without dots and brackets are secondary areas that provide additional information regarding the individual.

AREAS OF CONCERN - Scores of 1 or 2 in any of the following dimensions: Energy, Flexibility,
Emotional Development or Mental Toughness
are areas of concern.
Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 8

Leadership Traits Assessment

This report section evaluates John's traits in five key areas of leadership:

  • Planning
  • Coaching
  • Facilitating
  • Organizing
  • Staffing

Areas with good leadership traits are identified on the following pages as well as those where training or development would be beneficial.

John may or may not be one of the better people employed in a specific organization. If John is a top performer in your organization, when compared to top performing leaders across America and Canada, this report segment may still highlight areas where development could make the individual a still better leader. Therefore, this Leadership Traits assessment should be reviewed in light of "what could make a good leader even better," with understanding that within human beings, there is always room for improvement.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 9

Leadership Potential
Summary Report
for: John Henderson

John has good leadership potential in the following area(s):

  • Organizing

John's Training & Development Needs are:

  • Planning - learn how to better plan and organize required job functions, activities and requirements.

  • Staffing - learn how to make better staffing selections as well as how to train, motivate and lead others.

  • Coaching - learn how to better lead others to achieve what they are capable of as well as fulfilling the requirements of the job or job functions.

  • Facilitating - learn how to better monitor the achievements of others versus the plan, job description and/or job functions and requirements.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 10

Sales Traits Assessments

This report section evaluates John's traits in key areas of sales:
  • Persistence and consistency
  • Ability to meet and communicate effectively with people
  • Ability to command respect
  • Setting goals to win, excel and achieve
  • Developing rapport
  • Identifying need or desire
  • Presenting product/service to fill prospect's needs
  • Dealing with objections
  • Closing the sale
  • Learning speed & efficiency
  • Changing, growing and learning new concepts and ideas

Areas with good sales traits are highlighted with traits identified in which training or development would be beneficial.

John may or may not be one of the better people employed in a specific organization. If John is a top performer in your organization, when compared to top performing salespeople across America and Canada, this report segment may still highlight areas where development could make the individual a still better salesperson. Therefore, this Sales Traits Assessment should be reviewed in light of "what could make a good salesperson even better," with understanding that within human beings, there is always room for improvement.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
Company: Your Company Co Page: 11

Sales Potential
Summary Report
for: John Henderson

John's sales potential includes the following strength(s):

  • Learning speed and Efficiency
  • Persistence and Consistency
  • Ability to command respect
  • Developing Rapport
  • Identifying need or desire
  • Presenting Product/Service to fill prospect's needs
  • Dealing with objections
  • Closing the sale

    Yet, further development in the following critical area(s) will be beneficial:

  • Ability to meet and communicate effectively with people
  • Setting goals to win, excel and achieve
  • Changing, growing and learning new concepts and ideas
  • Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
    Company: Your Company Co Page: 12

    Interview Questions

    Following are the interview questions which an interviewer may choose to use in the candidate interview process.

    These interview questions are generated to establish basic traits critical for all employees.

    The interview questions that follow are for a candidate who has prior work experience. In the event the candidate does not have prior work experience, the questions may need to be modified by the interviewer to fit the situation.

    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 10/30/00
    Company: Your Company Co Page: 13
    Interview Questions for Questioning/Probing

    Questioning/Probing - Measurement of the individual's desire to question and probe, rather than accept instructions, directives and information at face value.
       Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
        evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
        skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
        not present    not present    present        present       present         
    Interpretive Guides
    Tell me about the last time in a job situation you made the wrong decision. What prompted you to make this decision and what was the final outcome? Did the candidate learn from his or her mistake? Does the candidate now understand what caused the mistake in order to avoid making the same error again? Was the candidate able to rectify the mistake in such a manner that the outcome was acceptable?

    Tell me what steps you took to gather information needed to solve problems in your last job. Does the candidate appear to understand how to gather information? Does the candidate have specific steps he or she takes in order to gather information, or is the process more haphazard?

    Describe a time when you trusted someone in your last job and should not have. What were the circumstances and what was the outcome? Has that situation changed your outlook on life? Did the candidate exhibit gullibility and too much trust in the other person? Does the candidate appear to understand the need to be cautiously trusting? Does it appear the situation has unnecessarily jaded the candidate's outlook and attitude about life?

    We all assume more than we should, from time to time. Tell me about a time when you assumed too much and problems arose due to your not asking enough questions. Does it appear the candidate is overly assuming? Since assuming people can sometimes tell more than they should, did the candidate talk extensively about personal matters which had little relevance to the interview or job?

    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 10/30/00
    Company: Your Company Co Page: 14
    Interview Questions for Motivation

    Motivation - Measurement of the individual's achievement orientation and internal motivation to initiate changes and take risks in order to advance.
       Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
        evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
        skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
        not present    not present    present        present       present         
    Interpretive Guides
    Tell me about a prior job in which you were highly motivated and enthusiastic about coming to work each day. What one part of the job kept you motivated?

    Does the candidate have a clear understanding of what personally motivates him or her? Will these motivating factors be available to the candidate in this position?
    We've all had days when we only wanted to do what we had to do and little more. Tell me what, in your prior job, motivated you to do more than was expected.

    Does it appear the candidate is able to motivate him or herself easily? Does the candidate expect more in the way of motivating factors than is realistic or available in this position?

    In your prior job, what was your greatest worry or fear? How did you deal with that worry or fear? Does it appear the candidate worries unduly about job security? Are the candidate's worries and fears realistic? Does it appear the candidate has good coping skills to handle stress, worry, fear or change?

    Regarding compensation plans in prior jobs, what type of compensation plan did you most enjoy? If money was not an issue, what type of compensation plan do you believe you would most enjoy?

    Will the candidate have the same type of compensation plan he or she desires? Are the candidate's ideas of an ideal compensation plan realistic and attainable in this position?
    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 10/11/2000
    Company: Your Company Co Page: 15

    Development Suggestions

    The following Personal Development Suggestions have been developed to be given to an individual after hiring, should the appropriate supervisor and/or the individual orienting the individual choose to do so.

    The development pages are directed specifically to the individual. The pages can be either removed from the report, or copied, and given to the individual.

    The individual who is supervising, leading, directing or coaching new employees may want to review, as part of the employee's orientation process, the job description and the requirements of the job, and at that same time provide the individual this information to assist them in beginning the job on the most effective and efficient basis.

    These development suggestions provide guidelines for the individual, recommending actions that can be taken on a daily and weekly basis to become more productive.

    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 10/30/00
    Company: Your Company Co Page: 16

    Personal Development Suggestions

    Question/Probing - measures the tendency not to accept information at face value.
    You have a very trusting nature and tend to accept most instructions, directives and information at face value. Even though you have a positive, enthusiastic attitude, you may be so trusting that you allow others to take advantage. When problem-solving or troubleshooting complex issues, you may not probe far enough to see the whole picture.
    Your self-affirmation sentence:
    "I ask questions."

    Steps to Effect Change

    1. Gullible people can be taken advantage of very easily; you need to develop the ability to question and develop probing skills.

    2. Mental exercises, such as word games, mathematics and logic puzzles, even newspaper crossword puzzles, help to develop the "probing" process and are quite useful in developing your "brain power."

    3. Cynicism is not attractive, but the trusting person can often be a detriment by disclosing private information much better kept confidential. Develop the ability to be a little more closed and therefore a little less open to exploitation.

    4. Prior to making any type of commitment, signing any legal contracts, making any big purchases, etc., give yourself time to research and think about the situation, rather than entering into the matter too quickly.

    Development Materials Recommended

    1. Development Book Suggestions:
      "Ask the Right Question!" by Rupert Eales-White
      "Navigating the Future: A Professional Guide for the New Millennium" by Mikela Farlow
    2. Online Learning Courseware Suggestions:
      Problem-Solving & Decision-Making
    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 10/30/00
    Company: Your Company Co Page: 17

    Personal Development Suggestions

    Motivation - measures the orientation to stay in a known and secure situation opposed to making or engaging in risk-oriented ventures.
    You are motivated by job security and income stability. You will most enjoy working for a stable organization which can offer you good benefits, predictable hours and a predictable income. You will not require a lot of attention or recognition to stay content in your job, nor will you take risks which could cost you job security.
    Your self-affirmation sentence:
    "I will strive to do my best."

    Steps to Effect Change

    1. You need to develop a positive, can-do attitude and through this self-confidence, you will be more willing to take risks, if such risks will enhance your life.

    2. You can develop confidence through listening to tapes, reading books, or attending courses which modify your need for security.

    3. You will need to be more expressive and develop more ability to motivate not only yourself, but others.

    Development Materials Recommended

    1. Development Book Suggestions:
      "Motivation At Work" by Jane & Vincent Miskell
      "A Goal Is a Dream With a Deadline" by Leo Helzel
    2. Online Learning Courseware Suggestions:
      Achieving Balance in Your Personal and Professional Life
    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.