The Sales Achiever

Assessment On: John Henderson
Phone: 800-555-1212

Position: Sales

Company: Your Company Co.
Report Type: Outside Sales

Assessment Date: 6/29/99 -- 3:41:20 PM

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

The Sales Achiever
Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company:Your Company Co. Page: 1

----- Mental Aptitudes -----
Mental Acuity

Mr. Henderson is high in Mental Acuity, indicating he is a very fast thinker with a high degree of critical thinking ability. He has excellent problem solving capabilities; therefore, he can comprehend customer or prospect needs quickly, and present a product or service which will meet those needs effectively. He will not only enjoy, but will require, mentally challenging work for job satisfaction.

Business Terms

John has little knowledge of the specialized language of business, possibly due to a lack of interest in business matters or a lack of exposure. To communicate better with customers or prospects, he needs to study the language associated with his specific industry.

Memory Recall

Mr. Henderson does not keep up-to-date with things happening in the world around him and may be unaware of competitive trends or changes in industry which could directly affect his sales.


Mr. Henderson's vocabulary skills are very limited and this may be a liability when communicating with prospects and customers. It is also possible that English is his second language.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company:Your Company Co. Page: 2

Numerical Perception

John's superior Numerical Perception score indicates that he can process data quickly and correctly. John's decision-making skills are enhanced by his ability to identify critical features in his work, and he should be able to accurately write up orders, contracts and other detail-oriented paperwork.

Mechanical Interest

John is extremely interested in machines and the inner workings of mechanical devices. He probably enjoys working with machines and because of this, would be willing to put forth effort to understand information regarding new technology, etc., which he could use to enhance his sales ability. This aptitude, however, measures only interest, not mechanical ability.

----- Personality Structure -----


Mr. Henderson has a well-balanced tension and drive level. He will energetically prospect and pursue new business, but remains calm enough to maintain his level of concentration and focus when making sales presentations.


John is an ethical sales rep with a good sense of integrity, but is also creative, adaptable to change and able to handle multiple demands and assignments. He will stick to the "tried and true" on certain occasions, but can also be inventive and generate new ways of utilizing current applications of products or services. He remains focused on his goals, committed to quality and interested in providing good service to customers, but is innovative enough to look for new techniques which could advance the company in the marketplace.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company: Your Company Co. Page: 3


Mr. Henderson may not always utilize the time or resources he has available to him to keep himself organized. He is able to easily adapt to schedule changes or interruptions, or other contingencies which might arise. Since he tends to react to situations as they arise, he may not always be as aware of priorities as he should be and this could lead to missed appointments, failure to follow-up thoroughly enough with prospects and other problems. A high score in Mental Acuity may compensate for a low score in this dimension.


John has an interactive, sharing style of communicating and will be a good collaborator who can share his own thoughts and knowledge with customers, prospects and others. Even though he is open and interactive and feels comfortable interacting with people, he does not require constant contact with people to be content.

Emotional Dev

Mr. Henderson is a self-assured individual with a healthy self-esteem. He believes in himself and is not easily frustrated with slow-moving events such as a customer or prospect taking time to make a buying decision. He is self-reliant, but may at times be overly tolerant.


John can take control, maintain order, and express his opinions to customers and prospects, but will not actively seek out conflict. He will attempt to influence and direct the buying decision and will ask for the sale, but not to the point of appearing unnecessarily demanding.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company:Your Company Co. Page: 4


Mr. Henderson is a team player with a sense of competitiveness, but he encourages synergism. He has a competitive spirit, but will encourage and work towards sales goals which are team-oriented. Although he wants to excel and increase sales, he may be reluctant to compete just to achieve his own goals and desires.

Mental Toughness

John is a very sensitive person who is concerned about the needs of his customers, prospects and others around him. Sales rejection can hurt his feelings and he may allow emotions to take over when making business decisions. He will need encouragement, especially after facing a series of negative events in his job.

Questioning /Probing

John is trusting, but also cautious. He will ask reasonable, but direct, questions to determine customer's or prospect's needs or desires, and this in turn will enable him to better understand what product or service to present.


John needs some job security and will take risks only when he is convinced that he is unlikely to make a mistake or fail. He still requires some feeling of security in sales, such as having a draw against commission, but is also motivated by the opportunity to increase his income based on his personal efforts.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company:Your Company Co. Page: 5

----- Validity Scales -----


Mr. Henderson is not willing to reveal a number of his personality traits. Validity of the Personality Dimensions is questionable and a retest is recommended.


He has scored within our acceptable equivocation range.

This report is confidential and is an opinion based on test results and other available data. In the selection process it may count up to one third (1/3) of the decision process along with the interview, reference check, education and experience.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company: Your Company Co. Page: 6

Mental Aptitudes - for Outside Sales position
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  
          [.......]    X      
Fast Learn
Personality Dimensions - for Outside Sales position
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  
ENERGY Restless
     X       [.......]        
          [.......] X         
     X       [.......]        
              X [..........]  
Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company: Your Company Co. Page: 7

Validity Scales - for Outside Sales position
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  
 [................] X         
Choose Middle

STANINE: The STANINE is a system of measurements which divides the population into nine parts.

NOTE: Areas with dots and brackets ([........]) are of primary importance with the dots and brackets reflecting the most desirable range for an individual to score in to have those characteristics. Areas without dots and brackets are secondary areas that provide additional information regarding the individual.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Indicated by dashes, = = = = = =

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company:Your Company Co. Page: 8

Leadership/Sales Analysis

In reviewing the analysis produced by this report, the reader should bear in mind that the individual whose report is compiled may well be a top performer and/or one of the best people employed in that organization and that particular job area, as well as a top performer in that area where the development suggestions has occured.

When this occurs, one should keep in mind that the individual has been compared to top performers across the United States and consequently, the level of individuals the person has been compared to are highly advanced in their performance. The report, therefore, should be read in the light of "what could make the best better," with the knowledge and understanding that there is always room for improvement within any individual.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company:Your Company Co. Page: 9

Leadership Potential
Summary Report
for: John Henderson

John has good leadership potential in the following area(s):

  • Facilitating

John's Training & Development Needs are:

  • Planning - learn how to better plan and organize required job functions, activities and requirements.

  • Organizing - learn how to organize and make better use of time and assets required to successfully perform the job or job requirements.

  • Staffing - learn how to make better staffing selections as well as how to train, motivate and lead others.

  • Coaching - learn how to better lead others to achieve what they are capable of as awell as fulfilling the requirements of the job or job functions.

Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
Company:Your Company Co. Page: 10

Sales Potential
Summary Report
for: John Henderson

John's sales potential includes the following strength(s):

  • Learning speed and Efficiency
  • Developing Rapport
  • Identifying need or desire
  • Presenting Product/Service to fill prospect's needs
  • Dealing with objections
  • Closing the sale

    Yet, further development in the following critical area(s) will be beneficial:

  • Persistence and Consistency
  • Ability to meet and communicate effectively with people
  • Ability to command respect
  • Setting goals to win, excel and achieve
  • Changing, growing and learning new concepts and ideas
  • Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
    Company:Your Company Co. Page: 11

    Interview Questions

    Following are the interview questions which an interviewer may choose to use in the candidate interview process.

    These interview questions are generated to establish basic traits critical for all employees.

    The interview questions that follow are for a candidate who has prior work experience. In the event the candidate does not have priorwork experience, the questions may need to be modified by the interviewer to fit the situation.

    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
    Company:Your Company Co. Page: 12
    Interview Questions for Mental Acuity

    Mental Acuity - Measurement of how quickly an individual comprehends information and is able to reason through and solve problems.
       Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
        evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
        skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
        not present    not present    present        present       present         
    Interpretive Guides
    Describe your most challenging job. What made the job so challenging? Did the candidate describe circumstances which are likely to occur in this position? Does the candidate appear to accept responsibility and find ways to keep him/herself motivated?

    Give me an example of a time you were faced with a problem for which there appeared to be no solution. What steps did you take to resolve the issue? Does the candidate appear to have good reasoning skills and the ability to resolve problems? Does it appear the candidate takes calculated risks in order to resolve crises? Is the candidate willing to admit limitations and ask for the input of others?

    All jobs, over time, can become monotonous and routine. Tell me how you keep yourself challenged, motivated and enthusiastic about a job once you've learned and become proficient at it. Does the candidate have a way to deal with boredom and keep him or herself challenged? Are there other activities the candidate enters into in order to obtain mental challenge? Is the candidate willing to take the initiative to learn new things without being directed to do so by management?

    What was the last major skill or course of study you accomplished? Did you learn this skill or gain this knowledge on the job, or on your own? Is the candidate willing to keep skills and knowledge honed? Does it appear the candidate functions below his or her level of capability? Does it appear the candidate realizes his or her high mental ability and uses it to full advantage?

    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
    Company:Your Company Co. Page: 13
    Interview Questions for Organization

    Organization - Measurement of the individual's desire to organize assignments and projects to better utilize time and resources.
       Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
        evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
        skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
        not present    not present    present        present       present         
    Interpretive Guides
    Tell me about a time you missed a deadline, were late for a meeting or experienced other problems because you did not plan well enough in advance. Was the candidate on time for this interview? If not, was the excuse justifiable? Does it appear the candidate learned from the experience he or she described in this first question?

    Describe how you typically kept yourself organized, and prioritized tasks in your former position. Did you use any planning tools to help keep yourself organized and if so, what were they? Does the candidate have specific steps he or she takes to stay organized? Does the candidate appear to understand how to prioritize tasks? Does the candidate use planning tools to help stay organized, i.e., a daily planner, computerized schedule, etc?

    Tell me about a time, in a previous job, when your ability to "wing it" saved a project from failure. What would the outcome have been had you not been able to improvise? Has the candidate been able to capitalize on his or her ability to improvise? Does the candidate appear to understand the importance of planning, yet also have the ability to be flexible and change plans, when necessary? Does it appear the candidate takes pride in his or her ability to "change horses in mid-stream?" Is the candidate sharp enough to keep priorities in his or her head without losing sight of them?

    Describe your office or work area in your former job. Was everything neatly put in place, or did you tend to function better in chaotic surroundings? Is the candidate fairly tidy, or does the candidate thrive on chaos and disarray? How important is tidiness in this position? Will others come into or see the candidate's office or work area, or is it secluded?
    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
    Company:Your Company Co. Page: 14
    Interview Questions for Emotional Development

    Emotional Development - Measurement of the individual's level of patience, self-esteem and confidence.
       Very strong    Strong         Some           Strong        Very strong    
        evidence       evidence       evidence       evidence      evidence        
        skill is       skill is       skill is       skill is      skill is        
        not present    not present    present        present       present         
    Interpretive Guides
    Describe three of your greatest strengths in your previous position. Describe your three greatest weaknesses in that job. Did the candidate experience difficulty thinking of his or her strengths? Weaknesses? Was the candidate quicker to relate strengths than weaknesses? Were the weaknesses the candidate stated actually traits which could be considered strengths, as well?

    Tell me about a time, in your previous job, when you were too tolerant with yourself and failed to meet a deadline because of it. Did the candidate deny ever having failed to reach a deadline? Does it appear the candidate understands the reasons behind his or her having failed to meet the deadline? Does it appear the candidate learned from the experience?

    We all procrastinate from time to time. Tell me what steps you took, in your previous job, to avoid procrastinating. What specific types of tasks did you find yourself more likely to procrastinate on? What type of tasks is the candidate the most likely to put off handling? Will it be important, in this position, that the candidate complete similar tasks in a timely manner? Does it appear the candidate has developed steps to take to help him or herself avoid procrastinating?

    How would you rate yourself, in overall performance, compared to other people you worked with in your previous job who were in the same or similar type jobs? Does the candidate have high self-esteem? Does the candidate rate him or herself to be considerably better than others? When discussing this particular question, did the candidate become more animated and boastful? Does the candidate come across overly confident or egotistical?

    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
    Company:Your Company Co. Page: 15

    Development Suggestions

    The following Personal Development Suggestions have been developed to be given to an individual after hiring, should the appropriate supervisor and/or the individual orienting the individual choose to do so.

    The development pages are directed specifically to the individual. The pages can be either removed from the report, or copied, and given to the individual.

    The individual who is supervising, leading, directing or coaching new employees may want to review, as part of the employee's orientation process, the job description and the requirements of the job, and at that same time provide the individual this information to assist them in beginning the job on the most effective and efficient basis.

    These development suggestions provide guidelines for the individual, recommending actions that can be taken on a daily and weekly basis to become more productive.

    Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

    Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
    Company:Your Company Co. Page: 16
    Personal Development Suggestions

    Organization - measures a person's attitude about organization, planning, how tasks are performed and how one's life is lived.

    Planning your time and activities in advance does not come naturally to you. Since your plans are not always thorough, you may not take full advantage of the time and resources you have available to you to reach goals and objectives. A high score in Mental Acuity may help you compensate for a low score in this dimension.
    Your self-affirmation sentence:
    "I am organized in my life so I achieve more."

    Steps to Effect Change

    1. Good time and space management calls for a specific activity plan to identify priorities by the day or week. For sixty days, list daily plans on paper, then mentally list the six most important things to be done the following day, ranking them by priority, and the time allotted to each item. You will then have a good grasp of what must be done, prior to beginning each day.

    2. To avoid losing track of important details you might need for certain tasks, such as filing your income tax, good recordkeeping is mandatory. Select a certain place to keep important records and discipline yourself to always put important papers in that one location.

    3. Daily, weekly and monthly planning - even yearly planning - will help keep you on an organized and productive basis. Set goals and reach them.

    4. Avoid any distractions which take you off track. If necessary, tell people around you what you are attempting to accomplish, so you will be less likely to be interrupted.

    Development Materials Recommended

    1. Development Book Suggestions:
      "Goal Management at Work" by R. Hans Hilgerman
      "Getting & Staying Organized" by Corinne R. Livesay

    2. Online Learning Courseware Suggestions:
      Taking Control of Your Workday
      Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

      Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
      Company:Your Company Co. Page: 17

      Personal Development Suggestions

      Emotional Development - measures ego, self-esteem and emotional maturity compared to chronological age (age from date of birth).

      You are a self-assured individual with healthy self-esteem. You believe in yourself and are not easily frustrated when things do not happen as quickly as you desire. You are self-reliant, but may at times be overly tolerant and fail to take action as quickly as you should, believing everything will "work out okay."
      Your self-affirmation sentence:
      "I am an action-oriented person."

      Steps to Effect Change

      1. Your biggest problem lies in your tolerance level and possible procrastination when action is called for. You must learn what you can achieve if you try harder and reach for greater achievement through established goals and objectives.

      2. You need to mentally stress the daily and weekly process of planning time and activities to make the right things take place for timely accomplishment. Avoid becoming complacent over any unmet goals.

      3. You can seek regular counseling with others to make sure that you are not being slack about reaching your goals; ask "significant others" in your life to apply pressure, when necessary, to help you meet set goals.

      4. Goal setting is highly important - write goals down and evaluate your progress daily. Tell someone close to you that you are working toward a goal; let that person urge you on!
      Development Materials Recommended

      1. Development Book Suggestions:
        "Time Management" by Marc Mancini
        "Not Just for CEO's" by John Zenger

      2. Online Learning Courseware Suggestions:
        Taking Control of Your Workday
      Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.

      Name: John Henderson Date: 7/20/99
      Company:Your Company Co. Page: 18

      Personal Development Suggestions

      Mental Toughness - evaluates emotional strength.

      You are a very sensitive person who is concerned about the needs of others. You prefer working in an aesthetic, comfortable environment free from criticism, rejection, etc. Criticism may hurt your feelings and you can allow emotions to take over when making good decisions.
      Your self-affirmation sentence:
      "I 'hang tough' when life gets me down."

      Steps to Effect Change

      1. It is important that you have "significant others" in your life who can provide reinforcement when you are down, especially after a series of negative events in your life.

      2. The weather, noise, unpleasant conditions, etc., really discourage you. As much as possible, learn to block unpleasantries such as these out of your mind, especially if you have little or no control over them.

      3. Physical illness and stress can cause lower stamina levels, so a balanced exercise program, proper diet, and regular check-ups are encouraged. If you are currently experiencing an unusual degree of stress, look at matters very objectively if you start to get your feelings hurt or take offense with something someone has said. It is common to take things too personally when you are feeling ill or under stress.

      4. Developing coping skills to control stress is important for the more sensitive individual. Using your sense of humor or writing in a journal are two examples of positive coping skills.

      Development Materials Recommended

      1. Development Book Suggestions:
        "Overcoming Anxiety At Work" by Vincent & Jane Miskell
        "Managing Stress: Keeping Calm Under Fire" by Barbara Braham

      2. Online Learning Courseware Suggestions:
        Achieving Balance In Your Professional and Personal Life
        Copyright 1999 Candidate Resources, Inc.